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Create & Cultivate 100: Fashion: Jasmin Larian


Meet Jasmin Larian, the LA-based designer behind Instagram’s coveted crescent-shaped bamboo “Ark” bag.

As founder of Cult Gaia, a lifestyle label known for its feminine yet sculptural silhouettes, Larian created an accidentally iconic handbag beloved by blogger babes and Beyoncé. But before there were sold out carryalls, there were festival-favorite flower crowns. Handmade by the FIT grad, it was boho-headwear that first put her on the map.

While the internet has a tendency to make success appear as though it happened overnight, it actually took two years before the Ark compelled anyone to bite. “Start with one iconic product and be patient. I think it takes much longer than one season for a 'it' item to reach critical mass.”

More from Jasmin below.

Name: Jasmin Larian 


You side-hustled flower crowns before they hit critical mass. We're always curious about trendsetting and trendsetters. What made you think, this is gonna be a thing?

It was an easily recognizable piece which is what makes it iconic. It also had an emotional element to it where it made you feel special in one way or another when you were wearing it. I think those are two important things that are built into our brand DNA.

What kind of a kid were you? Creative? Outgoing? Dressed yourself?

All of the above!

What was your fave book as a child?

Richard Scarry's "Best Storybook Ever."

What most inspires you now?

Nature and vintage chairs are often a source of inspiration, but I nd inspiration in almost everything.

Obviously having a celeb like Jessica Alba helps brand recognition. But it's so much harder than that. What would you like people to know about launching an "it" bag and brand that they might not?

Start with one iconic product and be patient. I think it takes much longer than one season for an 'it' item to reach critical mass if happens organically, which is ideal. I also think content and imagery are key to having people understand how they can pull a piece off.

"Start with one iconic product and be patient." 

Tweet this.

And now, you've expanded into full ready-to-wear. As a business owner how did you know it was time?

I was making my own clothes my whole life, and people were asking me if they could purchase them anywhere. I also didn't want to do any shoots with other brands clothes so decided it was time to round out the lifestyle aesthetic of our Gaia girl.

What do you think is your secret weapon?

Product innovation, restlessness, and my team.

As a woman in the world of fashion, what are some obstacles you've come up against?

I'm learning to be a better manager, leader, wife, daughter, friend, communicator, and creator all at once and there's a lot of pressure as a woman to do it all gracefully- but I'm learning.

What are you most excited for in your industry?

Less waste, less seasons and more focus.

Photo Credit: @davisfactor

Hair & Makeup: @SmashboxCosmetics @TheGlamApp @TheOuai