The class of 2020 may not get to walk across a stage in their cap and gowns and accept their diplomas due to the current coronavirus pandemic, but their accomplishments are still cause for celebration. Even without the pomp and circumstance of a typical graduation ceremony on school grounds, all the late library study sessions, all the hours spent in the lab, all the unpaid internships deserve to be celebrated virtually.
Needless to say, this year’s graduating class faces a more uncertain future than most, so we asked some of the most successful entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs we know to divulge their number one piece of advice for 2020 graduates. Ahead, Ariel Kaye, the founder and CEO of Parachute, Priscilla Tsai, the founder and CEO of Cocokind, Nicole Gibbons, the founder of Clare, Katerina Schneider, founder and CEO of Ritual, and more, share their wise words of wisdom for this year’s graduating class.
Ariel Kaye
Founder & CEO, Parachute
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Especially now, give yourself permission to explore a new hobby or dive deep into a passion project. Maybe your artistic pursuits or great idea for a business can be the focus of this summer. If I could go back, I would tell myself that it’s ok to not have it all figured out. And really there isn’t a huge rush to get to the finish line. Enjoy the process.”
Sarah Paiji Yoo
Founder, Blueland
“Success doesn't have to be so rigidly defined. When I was graduating, success seemed to mean achieving a certain title or salary or having a huge recognizable impact on the world. Over time, I've realized that for me, I gauge success and professional happiness with questions like 1) Do I love what I’m working on? 2) Am I still learning and growing? 3) Do the people I’m spending time with continue to energize and push me to be better every day? I've loved getting older, as it's become doing less of what I or others think I should do, and having a much deeper understanding of what excites me and is important to me.”
Nicole Gibbons
Founder, Clare
“Don’t feel pressure to have your entire career road mapped out when you graduate. What you think you’ll be doing 10 or 20 years from now is highly likely not what you’ll end up doing. Your career will most likely be a long, winding journey with many detours. Stay curious, explore all of your interests, learn as much as you can and never lose your curiosity because following your curiosity will end up leading you to you venture down incredible paths you could never even imagined!”
Michelle Cordeiro Grant
Founder & CEO, LIVELY
“My advice is to be open-minded and not get in your own way. Immediately after graduating, I went into a three-month training program with Macy's (then named Federated) to learn every aspect of the process from the creation of the product to delivery, at the end of which I was placed in their lingerie category. I was completely heartbroken because I always dreamt of working in ready-to-wear, but after a couple of weeks, I fell in love with lingerie. I quickly learned that it was this amazing place just for women—it's the first thing you put on in the morning and you look at yourself in the mirror and it's this really powerful and confidence-inducing moment. Long story short is don't close the door on something that wasn't ‘your plan;’ be open-minded and true to yourself about what the actual experience is. I'd also warn against being fearful or playing it safe, which we tend to do a lot as women. Instead of fearing the unknown, which there is plenty of at the moment, fear not trying.”
Eunice Byun
Founder, Material Kitchen
“Don't settle for what you already know, but actively seek out experiences where you have to learn something new in order to succeed. It's easy to want to fall back on what you are good at, especially when you want to impress new bosses or colleagues. Putting yourself in those uncomfortable situations where you have to listen and learn will help you see things differently, build a source of confidence deep within, and ultimately help build empathy as you'll have more perspective than before.”
Jean Brownhill
Founder, Sweeten
“My advice to the graduates of 2020 is one of my favorite quotes from Howard Thurman, ‘Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.’”
Meha Agrawal
Founder & CEO, Silk + Sonder
“My best advice is to let go of self-inflicted pressure to have all the answers sorted out. Your first few years after college are merely an extension to learn, create, fail, and rise again. Remember, your first job will surely not be your last job and you always have the freedom to start something new. Be hungry, be curious, and most importantly, be yourself. Surround yourself by people, problems, and opportunities that energize you, and you will have the chance to carve your own path. Know that you can always tweak your resume to tell the story you want to tell—so always allocate time to gut-check how you're feeling in your career checks and course-correct as needed.”
Sustainable Stylist, Expert, & Consultant
“I think the biggest question to ask yourself, given the current landscape, is how to add real value to a company. Have a clear vision for who you are, the type of community you are looking to build, and who you want to surround yourself with. Find a job that not only keeps you busy but also keeps you feeling fulfilled and stimulated. You may not start out in your dream job, but be an active participant in your career path. No one is going to pave the way for you so you need to want it for yourself!”
Blair Armstrong
Founder, GILDED
“Completing your program and obtaining your degree is a wonderful accomplishment and important milestone. Try not to let the lack of an official commencement ceremony get you down. Celebrate your accomplishment in an unconventional way and look forward. Some things to work on while the world sorts itself out are learning new skills, finding a mentor, and considering volunteer work if you have the time. Be persistent and don’t give up on your plan.”
Chriselle Lim
Co-Founder, BümoBrain
“Your degree got you this far. Focus on building up your network and get as much experience as possible. You might not land your dream job right out of college but remember that your first job doesn't mean that it's your last. We all gotta start somewhere!”
Joan Nguyen
Co-Founder, BümoBrain
“Having worked in education for over 10 years, people actually never ask me where I went to school or what I studied. I think that more than your degree or major, the most underrated skills are people skills. Your ability to use the way you talk to people to get them to believe in you and trust in you and then backing it up by true action is one of the most important skills.”
Ara Katz
Founder, Seed
“Do not be attached to an outcome or any fixed idea of how your life should be. Instead, incessantly question, stay open to the evolution of your ideas, opinions and beliefs and un-think every assumption possible. Seek out those who will challenge you, not just align with you. Live expansively and with an endless curiosity about yourself, our world, and your agency within it. Practice health, honor your body, do not underestimate the importance of words and the power of good writing, and most importantly, be kind.”
Catharine Dockery
Founding Partner, Vice Ventures
“My best advice would be to optimize for future flexibility. Unless you're the sort of person who knows immediately what their five-year plan will look like in five years (I'm not, and wasn't then either!), it makes a ton of sense to focus on building a broad skill set and letting your interests and curiosity drive the way. Coming out of college, I had no idea I'd end up as a venture investor. I'd been an investment banking intern in my junior year and hated it, then joined a sales and trading desk after graduating. At the time, I thought I'd either end up in trading or going back to school to become a psychologist. That sales and trading program truly helped me build skills that I use today, and the last dollars from my bonus ended up going into my first personal venture investment.”
Priscilla Tsai
Founder & CEO, Cocokind
“I graduated during the recession, and the job that I had lined up at Lehman Brothers was no longer there by the time I graduated. I remember my mom telling me that regardless of where I ended up in my first job, even if it wasn't my dream career, the most important thing was to be at a place where I could learn. With that, I reached out to as many companies I could and ended up landing a job that allowed me to do just that. My biggest takeaway from this for recent graduates is to not take learning for granted. You have to know what you don't know and take initiative to build your knowledge base. Don't expect someone to hand this to you. Be hungry and appreciate every learning opportunity you have.”
Ann McFerran
Founder, Glamnetic
“Once you graduate, there is no schedule set by an institution anymore and you’re free to do anything you want. This amount of choice is overwhelming and I went through it as well. I think you should be asking yourself the very hard question of what is your ultimate goal in life, then work backwards from there to see what you need to do to get there. If you don’t have a clear picture of the ultimate goal, try to have a rough idea of the field you want to get into, then narrow it down even more to your desired lifestyle. Ultimately, life is all about learning from experiences. You have to be deeply honest with yourself to find true happiness and success, even if it’s a complete 180 from where you currently are. Don’t be scared! Start with this and commit to work really really hard and you’ll find yourself in your dream career.”
Dianna Cohen
Co-Founder, Crown Affair
"If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, now is a time to test into ideas, and as Phil Knight said: just do it. Send the email to the person you admire. Start the thing you’ve been thinking about in the back of your mind. Great things take time, so start in small ways telling the story or building the universe you want to create. If you’re looking at roles at companies or if the ‘dream’ first job is on hold for a moment, this is the time to say yes to opportunities that might be out of the box. Remember that every experience and relationship can lead to something great down the line, something that you can’t imagine now. Take on the odd project, reach out with a thoughtful email, and offer to collaborate. You never where something will lead. If not now, then when?”
Allison Evans
Co-Founder, Branch Basics
“Use this slow-down to your advantage and take this time to really self-assess. What are my passions? What gets me excited? What am I naturally drawn toward? Don't rush into the next chapter without really making sure it's the right one versus what you/others always expected you to do.”
Lindsey Taylor Wood
Founder & CEO, The Helm
“We are living in uncertain times. In the era of COVID, I’m guessing you’ve heard this a hundred times by now. But not only is it true, it’s also another reason to take a bet on yourself and the ultimate preparation for becoming an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is synonymous with uncertainty and every day is a new Rubik’s Cube. At this exact moment, life is giving you the ultimate masterclass in learning how to turn every obstacle into an opportunity. If ever there was a time to swing as big as you can, it’s now. You truly have nothing to lose.”
Kelly Love
Co-Founder, Branch Basics
“I know for sure, setbacks make you stronger. We've faced major challenges as a company (even came close to bankruptcy!) but we never lost our hope, our vision, or our determination. Remember that difficult times are really just opportunities to learn, be creative, and turn hard work into success. Focus on the bigger picture, and know that it will take time and the occasional failure to get there.”
Kristi Knoblich Palmer
Co-Founder, Kiva Confections
“Be prepared to pivot! You can’t force yourself into a career that just isn’t panning out. Think of school as a great place to grow up and gain life experience. Even if you don’t end up pursuing the career you thought you would, you gained incredible value just by being in a learning environment. Follow the opportunity, even if it isn’t in the field you had planned.”
Bethany McDaniel
Founder, Primally Pure
"With fewer job opportunities on the horizon, succeeding in making a living has become more of a necessity for this year's college grads than in years past. Brendon Burchard defines necessity as "the emotional drive that makes great performance a must instead of a preference". Necessity demands action, which can be a blessing and not a curse for those who choose to see it that way. So many great businesses have been born out of past economic downturns (Netflix, Airbnb, and Warby Parker just to name a few!), and my hope for 2020 grads is that they will be motivated by a necessity to succeed within the parameters of the current situation and find creative solutions to voids in today's marketplace."
Ariane Goldman
Founder, HATCH
“So much about business (and life, really) hinges on your ability to deal with the unexpected. Running several has taught me that if you're going to survive you have to figure out a way to adapt to things you can't control without freaking out or being reactionary. It's not easy. Deep breaths help. So does having a strong support system: your team, your family, your friends.“
Emily Bibb
Co-Founder, Curated
"It's a crazy time, but use it to your advantage. Create the 'unforgettable' addition to your resume be it a website or Instagram portfolio. DM the CEO you admire for a virtual coffee as their schedules may be more flexible. Learn the basics for the job you want, such as analytics or SEO. While it might not seem like it now, this time could turn out to be your greatest asset.”
Adiya Dixon Wiggins
Founder, Yubi
“You are graduating in scary, uncertain times. At the risk of sounding cold, lucky you! While canceled internships, delayed start dates and limited job options are frustrating setbacks, they also give you space to focus on creating something new and bigger for yourself and others. There are limitless, interesting problems waiting for you to solve in wonderful ways. Set out passionately in pursuit of solutions and get ready for more success than you ever dreamed possible.”
Genevieve Rudin
Co-Founder, Brass Clothing
"Your first job (and likely your second) will not be your last. Young people take so seriously, to the point of paralyzing themselves and adding stress to their lives, the search for the "perfect" job out of college. The truth is that finding the perfect job is a life-long mission. Learning what you don't like, how to work with others, and what workplace environments jive with your working style is a process. One that will take you through your 20's at the very least. Instead of aiming for the best name in your target industry or the highest salary, go with your gut -- a great boss and rewarding working experience that increases your value and the skills you have to offer is priceless. The big-name firms and lucrative opportunities will follow if you find people and a place that will invest in you early on.”
Lily Galef
Co-Founder, Hilma
"My best advice is, to be honest with yourself about what you enjoy and are good at. I spent a lot of time in my early career pursuing what I thought would be most ‘glamorous’ or ‘cool.' In my mid-twenties I realized that the things I enjoyed doing were not, in fact, glamorous or cool, which was a revolutionary insight that unlocked real growth for me personally and professionally. Look for companies that align with your values, and reach out to them--even if they are not hiring. Ask questions and learn about what it might be like to be a part of that business. If you’re interviewing for a job, ask questions about how an organization thinks about mentorship, and try to find yourself a position where your team will invest in your growth. And if the job you find is not perfect—remember that no job is, and use it to learn as much as you can."
Kendall Bird
CEO & Co-Founder, Frame
“We’re taught in college that the world is filled with endless career opportunities. Then after graduation, you start to realize that your first job is hardly your dream job. This happens to everyone, and my advice to you is to not get discouraged. Try to focus on specific skill sets you are developing and mastering. Whether it’s taking meeting notes, developing processes through excel spreadsheets, or growing the conversational skills needed to deal with customers and clients. These are the skills in your tool kit and on a resume that will get you to your next job or promotion.”
Jess Mulligan
Founder, Winged
“My best advice is to be as relentlessly curious and engaged as possible. There are so many opportunities to learn and network, lean into all of them! You never know if the CEO sitting next to you on that flight might be someone you tap three years down the road for an opportunity. Remember that your education is not even close to being over—it’s only just beginning! Spend everyday asking yourself what makes you want to pop out of bed in the morning. I asked myself that question early on and that self-discovery led me to a career where I can share my passion with the world through natural health supplements and clean beauty products. I wake up every day excited to learn more and help others. Success followed, not because I struggled to push through a work day, but because I had the energy and drive to excel in an industry that reflected the essence of who I am.”
Tai Adaya
Founder, Habit
"Especially in downturn times, it's tempting to go for the 'sure thing' or 'safe career path' but I believe we ultimately always gravitate towards our passions. I initially went into a 'safe' corporate job after graduating from college, but I hated it. I eventually went to work for startup companies in health and consumer products. My side hustles were always in e-commerce and content. I spent a lot of time being afraid of pursuing my passions but kept coming back to them. You have to eventually let go of the fear. Try to take the view that our time on Earth is limited time, is a limited resource. There are no guarantees. What are you going to do with your limited resource?”
Marisa Zupan
CEO, United Sodas
“Never stop asking questions or learning as graduation is just the beginning of your real-world education. You are entering the workforce at a time where we need your generation’s insights, creativity, ideas, and enthusiasm in order to challenge us in the best ways possible. Embrace it. Enter this next phase of your life with courage and hope, taking risks when you can and leaning into the unknown.”
Alix Peabody
Founder & CEO, Bev
“Starting a career is a massive undertaking—but it's one that is built by a series of baby steps one after another. The trick is to simply start walking, and don't stop until you are where you wanted to go, knowing that where you want to go might change. If I could give myself one piece of advice, it would be exactly that, just start. And by continuing to work hard when things seem impossible or get tough, you will learn things not only about your business but about yourself. With every passing day, and every passing year, you will build something more important than the career or the money or the excitement, you will build a foundation in who you are and what you're capable of. That is something no one can ever take away from you. So my advice? Just start.”
Katerina Schneider
Founder & CEO, Ritual
“Don’t get stuck on any one path. Give yourself permission to try things out and find out if they are not for you. And if you do feel like it’s not for you, let go of it quickly. I studied applied mathematics in college, quickly learned I was bad at finance, and now I run a health and wellness company.”
Sarah McDevitt
Founder, Core
“Don’t make decisions based on fear and short-term needs. Be intentional and practical about the work you need to do to achieve your long-term goals. Build your personal life Board of Directors/team of go-to friends or family that know you well and can be a sounding board for big decisions. Go after what you want and try not to compare yourself to others. Celebrate their success and find your own. Resist the pressure from society, family, etc. to choose a certain path if it doesn’t feel right to you. It’s ok to not fully know or understand your dreams and career goals. It’s ok to change your mind and is natural as we learn and grow. It may not always feel like it, but you always have options—choose wisely, or at least recognize things that feel like obligations as choices and you will look upon them more favorably.”
Melanie Travis
Founder & CEO, Andie
“I graduated three months before Lehman Brothers collapsed. With the world in turmoil, I decided to move to Europe and travel. By not rushing into a career path, I left room to explore opportunities, which has paid off in spades. Everything in the world is in flux right now, which creates room for new opportunities to seize. I would encourage recent graduates to look around, don't feel pressured to jump into anything too quickly and make the most of this crazy period. They might end up being the best-prepared class of graduates ever for the world to come!”
Zara Terez Tisch
Founder, Terez
"Growing up, I thought I had my whole life figured out. But life doesn’t always happen exactly the way you expect it will. A few months after I delivered my graduation speech, my boyfriend tragically died while trying to save his friends from drowning at summer camp. The life path that I had known so far, and the life path I thought I would follow, disintegrated. I was broken. My entire perspective on life changed that summer. Instead of convincing myself I was on a surefire path, I started worrying less about what I would accomplish, and more about what I was passionate about.
After finding myself in a West Village leather shop that made custom handbags, my sense of creativity was piqued and that night, I told my parents that I was going to start my own brand and that it would be about self-expression and making people feel good. At the time, I didn’t even know why I wanted to do it. Or why those were my pillars. I just felt a need to. Enduring unexpected loss and grief helped me learn how to pick myself up, move forward, and look for the good in the world. It also helped me embrace the unknown and remember that time is precious, which is why we shouldn’t put off our dreams. We should chase them down, as soon as they come to us.
So in 2008, I quit my job and started my own company out of the basement of the house I grew up in. I quickly realized that I didn’t know everything or basically anything, and that I had to accept learning as I went. But I also found that if you’re determined, you can figure out anything. And that’s exactly what I set out to do."
Shelley Sanders
Founder, The Last Line
“My biggest advice is to be open to newness. Maybe it's not your dream first job, but take the opportunity to watch, listen and learn—then act. I worked for other companies for almost 18 years before I started my own line, and in the end, it was the best decision for me. When you surround yourself with smart people, especially those with different skills from your own, you will be challenged and probably surprised by what you learn and maybe like! I’ve experienced too many risks to even name, but regrets of not trying are far worse, so go for it. And finally, never be afraid of a pivot: if it's not working, move on and always take the opportunity to look back and learn from what happened.”
Missed out on Gina Bianchini’s incredible session from our Offsite? No worries! We’re sharing her insights on building a thriving community that feels like a real network, not just an audience.