Lindsay Jang of Yardbird Talks Hong Kong Female Bosses — Create + Cultivate

Lindsay Jang of Yardbird Talks Hong Kong Female Bosses

Three years, three successful ventures. Lindsay Jang has seen the kind of success most only ever dream of. In part because she doesn't just dream, she hustles.  

After opening Yardbird (considered by many one of the best restaurants in Hong Kong) with chef Matt Abergel, the duo then opened RONIN and Sunday's Grocery. And then Jang launched MISSBISH, an editorial and e-commerce site focussed on fitness, food, and fashion. And she has two kids (Lili and Ronin). And she still manages to sleep. She's a one-woman ampersand. Did we mention TOPFIT? Her boutique fitness space. The hits keep coming, and yet she has a pulls no punches attitude. How does she do it? We checked in with Lindsay to find out how, her favorite spots in HK, and how she feels about gender roles in business. 

Must eat Hong Kong spot?

Yardbird, RONIN, and Sunday's Grocery... Obviously! 

Must shop Hong Kong spot?

The Lane Crawford warehouse in Horizon Plaza. 

When you want to splurge you head to?


When you want to save?


Best place to unwind?

Happy Foot for a 50 minute foot massage followed by a 75 minute body massage. 

Best place to get caffeinated?

I'm not a coffee drinker, but if I was, I'd head to Coco Espresso. 

How do you make the most of 24 hours?

Wake up early, get my kids off to school, clear my inbox, workout, meet with my teams, hang out with my kids after they finish their daily activities, cook dinner, watch Netflix (if I'm not asleep by then). 

How is the female boss scene different in Hong Kong than New York? 

I feel like people don't talk about it as much in Asia as they do in the US. Gender is not a key point of separation when it comes to success, or at least it's not publicly discussed. 

Other boss women in Hong Kong that you admire? 

Kim Kollar, Yenn Wong, Peggy Chan, Jaime Ho Ku.

The last woman you had lunch with who gave you a great piece of advice? And what was it?

Stephanie Arsham. She reminded me how important it is to unplug and be present around your loved ones. Ignore technology for a few moments and truly engage. 

Something you can get in Hong Kong you’ve never found anywhere else?

An airport check-in in the city center with a high speed train that drops you inside the terminal. Super efficient. HK has the best airport in the world. 

Chinese culture is male-dominated. How does that make you feel as a female boss? Do you think about it?

It never crosses my mind. 

Do you ever change your leadership style based on what country you’re working in?

No. Team building, in my opinion, is the same everywhere. Empathy and positive leadership translates globally. 

Are female entrepreneurs treated differently than male?

Not in my experience. 

Do you get tired of being asked how you balance motherhood and a successful career?

Sometimes, but then I realize that people are genuinely interested so I'm happy to share. 

Are female entrepreneurs treated differently than male? "Not in my experience." 

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When you have time off you:


If you didn’t live in Hong Kong, you’d live: 

In LA. 

What’s the recipe for success? 

Hard work, kindness, trust.