Create & Connect: Mel Rod's Stylish Life Depends on Her Phone — Create + Cultivate

Create & Connect: Mel Rod's Stylish Life Depends on Her Phone

In 2010 when Mel Rod created her now popular style blog Mel RodStyle, it was more of a fashion journal. Five years later, having secured past partnerships with major brands like Keds, Smashbox, and Tacori, we’d call it more than an online diary. The speed at which she needs to operate is warp, moving between staying true to her brand, and engaging her readers on social. Every day brings the potential for something new-- plus, the influencer has a wedding to plan. She is on-the-go more than ever, and still admits to preferring the old-school “bulk” of a laptop to her phone.

Which makes the Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard ideal for her lifestyle. This week on the Create & Connect series presented by Logitech, we chat with Mel about figuring out organization, her big dreams, and her favorite part of each day.

+Walk us through your organization process when you multitask.

As much as it sounds silly to say, my life depends on my phone. I am constantly on it and use the notepad and calendar for taking notes and keeping track of my meetings, appointments, etc.

+How do you deal with the busy trap?

Well, first by prioritizing everything on the agenda. I make a list of what is most important or urgent to complete, and I give myself a specific time for each task. And in between, I take breaks to clear my head, and because you just have to. Working out helps me to release stress and gets me right back on track.

"My life depends on my phone." 

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+ As a natural born multi-tasker, how have tools like the Logitech K380 Multi-Device helped your productivity?

I’m old-school and at times I prefer to work from my laptop, but when I’m on-the-go (which is most of the time), it’s difficult to do that. The Logitech K380 has been more than convenient for me because it makes me feel like I’m working from my laptop when I’m on-the-go, and since I’m always on my phone, it just works perfectly with my schedule.

+What is one thing that you wish you could do in your career, but haven't done yet, or are planning to do?

I would absolutely love to design my own shoe line. It’s something I’ve wanted for many years.

+Do you prefer working in an office setting vs. a home setting?

I prefer working from home because it allows me to concentrate without any distraction. I feel more productive when I’m at home.

+With work, life and travel, and even a wedding around the corner, how do you allot time for each without having one overpower the other?

As much as I want to get everything done all at once, it is impossible. You have to do one thing at a time or give yourself a certain amount of time to work on each task. It’s been crazy busy, especially with planning a wedding but luckily, I have people around me that have been more than helpful.

+What's your favorite part about being a busy bee?

My favorite part is that it is never boring. Everyday is a new day and always different.