'Real Stories' From Vistaprint Alum: Remi Ishizuka, Founder of RRAYYME, Co-Founder of HōmeBodies — Create + Cultivate

'Real Stories' From Vistaprint Alum: Remi Ishizuka, Founder of RRAYYME, Co-Founder of HōmeBodies

As part of our Create & Cultivate x Vistaprint Brand Campus, we’re sharing all the ways that Vistaprint can help you grow, adapt, and evolve your business. Explore ‘Real Stories’ from Vistaprint Alums, and learn how entrepreneurs use Vistaprint as a one-stop-shop for all of their small business marketing solutions.

Whether you’re sourcing a physical product, seeking digital design services, or simply looking for inspiration, Vistaprint is the marketing partner that enables small business owners to elevate their brands – at every stage of their journey. Read on to discover how real business owners use Vistaprint's design capabilities and wide product selection to help their businesses grow organically—and how you can too.

Remi Ishizuka, Founder of RRAYYME, Co-Founder of HōmeBodies  

What do you love most about having your own brand/ business?

I love coming up with fresh new ideas for content, setting goals and figuring out how to achieve them. I also love connecting with like-minded individuals and brands, all while empowering others on their own journeys!

Have you always been entrepreneurial? What led you to take that first step and establish your own brand/business?

Growing up, I saw my dad run his own business, but I never thought I had it in me to do the same. I was working corporate jobs 9-5, but I felt unhappy and unfulfilled. It wasn’t until I made a decision to better my own wellbeing from the inside out (exercise and eat healthier) when everything changed.

I started sharing a different breakfast recipe each morning on my Instagram, mostly to keep myself accountable. Without realizing it, I started impacting the people around me. Looking back it was the consistency of posting something of value every single day and connecting with others that led to more opportunities. Eventually I quit my full-time job in corporate, became a content creator, and now a co-founder of a popular at-home fitness program called, HōmeBodies.

What challenges have you faced in launching your brand / business? How did you overcome them?

At the beginning of the pandemic, my boyfriend and I hopped on Instagram every single day at 9am and led a full body workout on IG LIVE. During this uncertain time, people following along met us every morning on their mat. It was how we connected during a time of isolation - It created a sense of normalcy.

We became a super tight knit community, and after 3 months of free workouts, some technical setbacks, and people wanting a better experience, we decided to launch our own subscription-based fitness program.

The challenge we initially faced was the push back that came from turning a free service into a paid one. I learned that we can’t make everyone happy, but we sure as heck will try! While we knew our price point was on par with what we were offering, we wanted to give as many people as possible the opportunity to benefit from our program. One week later, we added a different package at a lower tier so people who wanted to join HōmeBodies, but couldn’t afford the full program could still weave in creative movement into their schedule 3-4X a week.

The process was a breeze, the quality was amazing and all of our customers were so excited about it.
— Remi Ishizuka, Fitness & Wellness Blogger and Co-Founder of HomeBodies

How has Vistaprint helped you grow, evolve, or adapt your business? What are some of the tools and services you have used and how did they help you? 

Vistaprint's wide selection of product options has allowed us to connect with our customers and enabled us to personalize the customer experience for our very first physical product launch, Deck of Cards! We created custom stationary through Vistaprint and included a handwritten note in every order to elevate the unboxing experience. The process was a breeze, the quality was amazing and all of our customers were so excited about it, which is exactly what we wanted.

How do visual elements play a role in your branding? How are they important to your overall marketing strategy?

I’m huge on aesthetics. Visually, I wanted HōmeBodies to feel luxe and unisex, but most importantly minimal since that is our bottom-line philosophy. Branding is important because it’s a direct reflection of not only the product, but the community you cultivate. When someone visits our website or unboxes a product from us, we want them to immediately feel what HōmeBodies embodies, if that makes sense? People should feel empowered to make incredible changes on their health journey, while also feeling accepted and welcomed as they are. Their power comes from within themselves and HōmeBodies helps them realize they don’t need to take excessive measures to get there.


What you focus on, thrives. If your heart isn’t in it, your audience will know (sometimes even before you do).
— Remi Ishizuka, Fitness & Wellness Blogger and Co-Founder of HomeBodies

What tips would you give to other aspiring female entrepreneurs to help them launch or scale their businesses?

1. What you focus on, thrives. If your heart isn’t in it, your audience will know (sometimes even before you do!). Don’t build or sell / promote something you don’t 100% believe in.

2. Social Media is free marketing, so use it, but remember you don’t own the platform AKA - it could go away tomorrow - we have no control over algorithm changes or guideline updates. Make sure you start to gather your communities’ emails. Create a free offer with SO much value that they want to sign up and give you their email. Oh, and keep offering them value. If you offer killer FREE value, they will trust you when you decide to create something they can buy. I missed out on that for years until the launch of HōmeBodies .

What would you like to see change for the next generation of female entrepreneurs?

This has already started happening, but I can’t wait to see more and more content creators turn into entrepreneurs in their own right. Creating their own products, growing their teams and using their platforms to solve problems and inspire their communities!

Remi Ishizuka is an LA based health and wellness expert. Remi shares relatable tips - making her channels a place for her community to access her daily workouts, healthy recipes, skincare tips, and love for her pups. She is also Co-founder of HomeBodies a successful virtual online workout program that consists of 365 unique workouts a year.