Sign Language: How to Deal with an Aries Boss
photo credit: KillJoyDesigner
Step 1: Know your boss' birthday
Step 2: Read on...
Date range: March 21 - April 19
Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 17
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
In honor of our CEO and founder Jaclyn Johnson’s birthday (shhh it’s today) and our favorite feminist Bobby Hundreds (shhh it’s today too!! yes, they share a bday) we are breaking down how to handle an Aries boss like a boss.
Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac-- a leader and a pioneer. A ram to be reckoned with that doesn't stand for any bull.
So it should come as no surprise that an Aries would launch their own business. They have a go-get-’em attitude when it comes to career and they like to see the same from their employees. They don’t like to lose and they do things with speed.
So how do you impress an Aries boss (or an Aries co-worker) in the workplace? Take notes (they'd like that).
Aries are often highly organized, completing many tasks before most of us have ticked one off the old to-do list. If you lean toward unorganized, take a page from an Aries and write it down and really work on honing those organizational skills. Since Aries' tend to think and speak fast, it’s easy to miss a key detail in conversation. Don’t let important facts whiz by. You have to be on your game when it comes to meetings. Bring a pen. Paper helps too.
Nothing is impossible for an Aries. For instance, problem-solving should always be in the positive. You don’t want to tell an Aries boss “The problem is…” Start with a solution, they will appreciate this approach, even when you're delivering not so great news. The first step to success is "yes."
If you’re looking for a job with work/life balance, be aware that a passionate Aries boss will expect an all hands on deck attitude. You’ll prob get a few texts on the weekend. Don't freak out. Simply answer them. Boundaries are important (and we know you deserve down time as much as the next) but if you fight it chances are you will spend more time thinking about how you don't want to answer a text on the weekend then it would take to answer it. Aries get fidgety with downtime. A simple yes or no will likely suffice to keep everything calm and create a much more positive office environment come Monday am.
That said, be prepared that Aries throw themselves into their work with wild abandon (sometimes, yes, at the cost of balance) but they are incredibly optimistic about outcomes and they truly want everyone around them to succeed. Allow this attitude to rub off on you. Get positive through osmosis if need be, it’s a must-have approach to handling the ups and downs like a pro.
Aries don’t like to wait around for things to get done, they’re doers and they expect others to be doers as well. Inactivity is their hell. Thanks to its ruling planet Mars and the fact it belongs to the element of Fire, Aries is one of the most active zodiac signs-- it's in their blood. This can come across as impatient or impulsive and might prove challenging for employees who haven’t mastered the art of reading their boss’ mind. Get ahead of the game by using your most prized talents-- what you were actually hired to do. If you don't know how your boss will react to a "crazy" idea, impress them with the skills you are confident in.
Nothing impresses an Aries boss like the ability to complete a task.
So get it done girl. Get. It. Done. Just like an Aries would.