I Took CBD Oil Every Day for a Week to Ease My Anxiety—Here’s What Happened — Create + Cultivate

I Took CBD Oil Every Day for a Week to Ease My Anxiety—Here’s What Happened

Photo: Courtesy of Equilibria

Given that we’re in the midst of a global health crisis of unprecedented proportions, it’s safe to say anxiety levels are at an all-time high right now. In an effort to help lower our cortisol levels, we partnered with our friends at Equilibria—a science-backed CBD brand created by women, for women—to put their line of premium daily drops, softgels, and relief creams to the test.

For the uninitiated, CBD is a natural ingredient found in hemp flowers (and doesn’t induce an intoxicating effect that makes you feel “high”). Though the science behind CBD's effectiveness for treating anxiety, pain, and insomnia is still a work in progress, it’s stress-reducing benefits certainly look promising. "In this unregulated market, quality varies considerably from brand to brand, and even when using a high-quality product, dosage, and delivery techniques are highly personal," explains Equilibria CEO and co-founder Coco Meers. "Finding balance through CBD is our mission, and delivering on that promise requires an impeccable, standardized product, and investing in education and clinical support."

Given that it takes time, consistency, and the right dosage to experience the full effects of CBD, we decided to put these products to the test every day for a week and log the results. Here’s what happened. 

The Product: Equilibria Daily Drops ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): Stress relief and better sleep!

The Taste: The drops have an earthy taste, not medicinal or too strong!

The Ease of Dosage: I love that they connect you with a CBD educator from their team that helps you with how/when you should dose. They check in on you to adjust as needed.

The Effect(s): I'm a new mom with a nine-month-old and even though she sleeps through the night, I have not been, and I find myself waking up on her old newborn schedule. I’ve been taking 1 1/2 droppers full at night and find that I don’t wake up as many times during the night. I also wake up so much more refreshed. My job as an account manager is super fast-paced and I often find it hard to wind down at night. This dose has really helped me to feel calm, wind down, and sleep much better!

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Daily Drops

$58 ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Product: Equilibria Relief Cream ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): Relief from aches, pains, and soreness.

The Scent: It has a lavender and rosemary scent.

The Ease of Application: Once mixed, the application was very simple. Over the course of the next seven days that I used the product, I noticed it began to solidify and become a similar texture to a moisturizer. The application was still pretty easy. I do wish the mouth of the container was larger, and I felt like it took multiple attempts to get the amount of the product needed for use.

The Effect(s): This was the first time I've used a CBD cream, and I am honestly so thrilled with the results. I've always known that I carry my stress in my neck and shoulders so these areas were my first test. The cream provided instant relief, and as the week went on, I began to notice that I was waking up less sore each day. With not having a true office desk set up during this time I've noticed a lot more tension in my neck and shoulders and the cream is working wonders. I've also applied it after a workout and notice I am less sore the next day as well. It's really helping my recovery time. I am truly so grateful this product came into my life during this time. It's keeping my body at ease!



Relief Cream

$58 ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Product: Equilibria Daily Softgels, Extra-Strength 25mg (30ct) ($92 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): Stress-relief, migraine-relief.

The Taste: I’ve test-run flavored CBD drops and oils in the past as a sleep-aid and for stress-relief, but I wanted to see which CBD product fit my daily WFH routine best in terms of ease and efficiency, if I’m being honest. The plus-side of an unflavored option is that I can eliminate a couple of steps and just take it with a gulp of water, which I always replenish throughout the day and have handy at my WFH desk at all times.  

The Ease of Dosage: This was my first experience trying CBD in softgel form. I loved the Equilibria packaging and the dosage instructions were super easy to follow, but the game-changer for me was turning to the how-to video on the Daily Softgels product landing page which featured a Dosage Specialist breaking everything down for me. That helped a ton. 

The Effect(s): I started to incorporate the softgels into my daily routine starting Sunday, April 26 evening with the goal of taking one (1) softgel in the mornings after a light breakfast for five consecutive days. (This was the week leading up to our inaugural Money Moves Digital Summit, so it was all hands on deck!) I wanted to be proactive about my stress-levels during this time by getting enough sleep, eating well, and fitting in a 30-minute sanity walk in the afternoons. Day 1-3 felt like an “orientation” for me, I stuck to the morning ritual I set for myself each day and was feeling focused and good. On Day 4, I woke up with a gnarly migraine—these are rare for me, and I attribute it to a high-stress, exciting week, the great news was that it started to mellow out throughout the day. Phew! Day 5 went off without a hitch, all was calm and I felt energized for the weekend. I’m currently on week two with my Daily Softgels, and I am excited to see how things progress after a month.

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Daily Softgels, Extra-Strength 25mg (30ct)

$115 ($92 with code “createcultivate”)

The Product: Equilibria Daily Drops ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): Stress relief, and insomnia 

The Ease of Dosage: Dosage was super easy and straight forward. Keeping product by my bed made it easy to incorporate into my evening routine. 

The Effect(s): Definitely relaxed me faster, and helped me get ready for bed. Normally, with everything going on in my day-to-day, I go to bed thinking of all of the things I need to finish or do the following day. After taking this, it helped me chill out and disconnect in some way to fall asleep faster and thus get a better nights rest to accomplish everything the following day! 

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Daily Drops

$58 ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Product: Equilibria Relief Cream ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): To relieve muscle tension from stress and to aid sleep. 

The Scent: Immediately upon opening the balm I loved the herbal scent. So many of the CBD creams I’ve used in the past tried to mask the smell and that was always a turnoff for me. I’m also allergic to a lot of fragrances (even natural ones can make me sneeze) so I appreciated how simple and stripped back this one is. It smells like the source it was made from which for me, is a sign that it isn’t filled with anything synthetic and instead, focuses on the ingredients that will work and treat the area I need it to. 

The Ease of Application: It has a beautiful balm-like consistency that is easy to apply. The nourishing ingredients of activated full-spectrum hemp flower oil, coconut oil, and shea butter make this a cream that works overtime in terms of relief—it eases muscle tension while providing intense hydration. I applied it to the back of my neck and shoulders to relieve stress and tension from sitting at a computer all day right before I went to sleep each night. I also used it for areas that were sore from a hard workout the day before such as my lower back, thigh, and calf muscles.  

The Effect(s): In recent years, I’ve become less reliant on traditional medicine for aches and pains and instead, tap into my body and diet first to understand where it’s coming from before masking it. When I do need relief from cramps, anxiety, stress, or tension, I reach for relief creams with CBD because it just targets the area rather than numbing my whole body. This relief cream has been a nightly ritual for me. I prefer a topical cream because it absorbs into the skin without entering the bloodstream and helps to calm the tension so I can fall asleep naturally without any after-effects. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go the next day. 



Relief Cream

$58 ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Product: Equilibria Daily Drops ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): Uninterrupted sleep.

The Taste: As an irregular CBD user, the taste took some getting used to.

The Ease of Dosage: I love dropper applicators. Taking my nightly dosage was quick and painless.

The Effect(s): The first few nights required some guessing and checking. On nights when I couldn't get my full 8+ hours of sleep, the required dosage left me feeling groggy in the morning (in a good way though—I was so relaxed and comfy I didn't want to get out of bed). I played around with the dosage after those first few nights and found that 50-75ml was my personal sweet spot. I love it! Usually, I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or re-position, but the nights I've used the Daily Drops I sleep straight through the night, uninterrupted. Excited to use these more on weekends when I'm able to sleep in!

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Daily Drops

$58 ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Product: Equilibria Relief Cream ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): Relief from muscle aches and soreness.

The Scent: Herbaceous with hints of lavender, eucalyptus, and rosemary.

The Ease of Application: The cream is really thick and is more balm-like than cream -like. It melts into the skin quickly and easily, but it did make my hands quite oily.

The Effect(s): I was training for a half marathon when the stay at home order was put in place. Now, I’ve been working out indoors and doing a lot more strength training, which my body is not used to. (Let me tell you, if you’re looking for a tough workout, enroll in Kirsty Godso’s Burn program on the Nike Training Club app.) I’m typically skeptical of CBD products, but this relief cream has been a game-changer. When I wake up with sore muscles, I rub on this cream and notice an almost immediate difference. Over the course of a week, I have to say, this cream made me a CBD convert.



Relief Cream

$58 ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Product: Equilibria Daily Drops ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

The Goal(s): Stress relief and uninterrupted sleep.

The Taste: Honestly, the taste was not as strong as I had initially anticipated. I didn't mind the overall taste, it does linger a little bit after you swallow but for the most part it was relatively minimal for me.

The Ease of Dosage: The dropper was super easy to use and very helpful to count out the amount of drops that I wanted with every use.

The Effect(s): Overall, I really enjoyed this product. This was my first foray into CBD in droplet form, and I was happily surprised. I will definitely continue to use it for my nighttime routine as it significantly helped me sleep better. I did wake up a little groggy some days, but maybe that was just because I got too much REM sleep.

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Daily Drops

$58 ($47 with code “createcultivate”)

Our friends at Equilibria are offering Create & Cultivators an exclusive 20% discount with the code “createcultivate.” Head to Equilibria to shop now.

Photo: Courtesy of Equilibria

As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailments or disease. As always, consult with your physician before starting any new program that may interact with your current health plan.