C&C Classifieds: Refinery29, Billion Dollar Boy, Mistress & More!
If you've been searching job boards and obsessively refreshing LinkedIn for the latest openings at your dream company, look no further. Your weekly classifieds listing is here with positions in New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and more. Weather you're transitioning into a new industry or looking to put that fresh college degree to work, we've got you.
Dive into this week's classifieds listing here and get your resumes ready to rock!
PS.: We're hiring, check out our open positions if you'd like to join the C&C fam!
Create & Cultivate - LA, CA
Capital Hair Products - Washington DC
Billion Dollar Boy - NY, NY
Mistress - LA, CA
Refinery29 - LA, CA
Groupon - CHI, IL