A Boss Lady’s Guide to Steering the Proposal — Create + Cultivate

A Boss Lady’s Guide to Steering the Proposal

A proposal. You're a champ at writing them for work, so why shouldn't you be involved in the one that's going to change your life? 

In a recent interview with Billboard magazine Nicki Minaj made clear that she wants boyfriend Meek Mill to give her three rings before they get married. She's a boss, with 10 Grammy nominations, so she's acting like one. Apparently, she's not the only one. 

According to Simon G. Jewelry, the family-owned and operated jewelry company that's been helping men pop the question with the right bling since 1978, this is becoming more of a trend. While men are still orchestrating the proposal, Simon G.'s VP of Marketing and Communications Brooke Brinkman says, “I think we’ve seen more women being a part of the engagement process because men want to make sure their fiancé is happy; she’ll have to live with the ring the rest of her life, so they want to get it right."


The more specific you are, the better the result. If you're passing a jewelry store, point out preferences with references cuts you like. If he's paying attention, he can jot down what you say, and take it straight to the jeweler when he's ready. 

Sarah from Great Britain, recently engaged says, "Over past few years there were moments where we passed jewelry stores and I would point out my preferences. So I think he had a vague idea!" 

Here are some of the most popular cuts: 

Round: The round brilliant. A round diamond is the most classic, traditional, and most popular shape of diamond. Most designs are made to fit a round diamond.

Square: A square brilliant diamond with sharp corners is a princess; if it has cut corners, it is a square radiant, and if it has soft, rounded corners it is a cushion cut. It has step faceting (rectangular facets, not kite/triangular like a brilliant cut). The square shapes of diamonds are the second most popular category. 

Rectangular: Rectangular shaped diamond cuts include emerald, radiant, and cushions can also be elongated in a soft rectangular shape. Emeralds are elongated step cut diamonds (shortcut: Asscher=square step cut, Emerald=rectangle step cut). An example of the elegant beauty of an emerald cut is Angelina Jolie’s ring. 


After that, there are many other fancy cut shapes of diamonds! Heart, marquise, and pear top the list for engagement rings. 


Knowing how to get what you want, without asking for it specifically is a skill. As a boss, you've been through this with clients and employees. This may seem like an unromantic approach to a proposal, but you want to give your man the tools to do his very best. Don't send him in blind.   

According to a survey conducted by The Knot, which polled 19,000 couples, they found that not waiting for the perfect moment was one of the biggest proposal faux pas. That means, no off-the-cuff proposal is going to do. If you don't want a proposal outside your best friend's birthday party when he's buzzing and looking at you with twinkly eye, don't let it happen-- because not proposing with a ring is also on the list of big engagement no-nos. 

There are so many subtle ways to let him know what you want. If a Jumbotron proposal sounds like your worst nightmare, next time you're at a game, let him know. "That's sweet, but I'm into more intimate settings." And then drop it. He should get the hint. 

The memory of a proposal will last a lifetime, and though the date and place is ultimately at the discretion of the one popping the question, there is no shame in being clear that you want it planned and special. 


At work, you delegate. The same works for a proposal and ring, because while there is nothing wrong with being vocal, let's also not forget what this moment and ring represents: love, true love-- which isn't about perfection. Using a friend will not only make him feel less bossed about, but most likely, he'll appreciate the help. 

Betsy from California, married three years, says, " Some of my friends were involved in choosing the diamond so he definitely had guidance!”

You may not be able to plot your engagement down to every last detail (save that for the seating chart), but there's not harm in trying. You're only going to remember it for the rest of your life.